The question might not burn on your mind, but there may come a time when you’ll have to know the answer. What is the difference between thigh highs and stockings? Continue reading Is It A Stocking Or A Thigh High?
Every Woman Needs A Little Support Sometimes
Sometimes we girls need a bit of support. We get it emotionally from our BFF’s, but sometimes we need something to hold us up in places that need holding. Keeping everything where it needs to be is important for a creating a smooth body line. Every woman wants to look her best when going to work or going out to dinner, and every woman deserves to look that way. Continue reading Every Woman Needs A Little Support Sometimes
4 Hosiery Myths You Shouldn’t Fall For
Much like everything else in life, there are plenty of myths that have been floating around about tights, pantyhose, and several other types of hosiery. In fact, you have probably heard most of these already. So let us take a quick look at a few myths you should probably stop believing about hosiery. Continue reading 4 Hosiery Myths You Shouldn’t Fall For
Know Your Hosiery
When it comes down to hosiery, there are several different types, colors, and styles that can be found. From stockings to leggings, all these technical terms can be quite confusing when you are just trying to find the right hosiery for your day. Continue reading Know Your Hosiery
How To Wear Your Fishnets Elegantly This Summer
There isn’t much more risqué and sexy than wearing a pair of fishnet stockings or tights. However, sometimes you may want to add fishnets to your day time wear for a more elegant look. Continue reading How To Wear Your Fishnets Elegantly This Summer
The Dos And Don’ts Of Patterned Tights
There is nothing like a pair of patterned tights to spice up your wardrobe no matter what age or size you are. However, if you are planning to show off your new patterned tights, there are a few dos and don’ts to getting the most out of your outfit. Continue reading The Dos And Don’ts Of Patterned Tights
Wedding Bells Are Ringing
May officially kicks off the start of Wedding season. Most weddings take place between May and October with the majority coming during the warmer months of June, July, and August. If you happen to have a wedding coming up this year, remember that there’s more to your attire than the dress. If you will be attending a friend’s wedding shower, you might be looking to give her a special gift that will make her look like the blushing bride-to-be that she is. Even if you are simply a guest to a summer wedding and looking for something light and sexy, has you covered. Continue reading Wedding Bells Are Ringing
As The Season Heats Up, Keep Your Legs Cool
Summer is coming and we cannot be happy enough to usher in the warmth. Sometimes it can be tough to keep your cool and still look amazing. Never fear, we’ve got your fashion legwear here! Continue reading As The Season Heats Up, Keep Your Legs Cool
More Than Just Hose
Sometimes you want more; more chocolate, more vacation days, and more sunshine. These are just a few of the best things that come to mind. When it comes to your clothing, sometimes you want more than just stockings. Continue reading More Than Just Hose
Full Figure Body Types
It seems like the world is finally embracing the fact that women come in all different shapes and sizes. We’re tall and thin, short and stocky, and a mixture of everything in between. Beauty is only skin deep, and it’s also in the eye of the beholder. At, we believe that you need to take what you have and work it to the best degree possible! You’ll only look as good as you feel, so make yourself feel great! Continue reading Full Figure Body Types