Do’s And Don’ts Of Compression Tights

Do’s And Don’ts Of Compression Tights

Doctors will recommend you wear compression tights for a variety of medical reasons. Compression tights are made in a way that compresses your legs which allows circulation to increase around your legs and feet. If your doctor has suggested you begin wearing compression tights, then there are a few things you should know to ensure you can benefit from these great pieces of hosiery. Continue reading Do’s And Don’ts Of Compression Tights

What’s Under Your Outfit?

What’s Under Your Outfit?

Undergarments are ultra-sexy.  From bra to bustier and beyond, what you wear underneath your outerwear can make you feel sexy, powerful, and amazing.  The ways in which they will benefit your body differ, but in the end, you’ll like the way you look. Continue reading What’s Under Your Outfit?

Superior Socks From Sexy To Simple

Superior Socks From Sexy To Simple

Socks are taking the fashion industry by storm.  Socks help us keep our cool in bold, beautiful, and brilliant ways.  With most of the Northern Hemisphere in the depths of the summer heat, though we love our pantyhose and tights, we sometimes opt for something a little cooler.  We want to give our legs a fresh-air escape and that escape comes anywhere from toe-to-knee. Continue reading Superior Socks From Sexy To Simple

Show Your Hose Some Lovin’

Show Your Hose Some Lovin’

You finally found the perfect pair of pantyhose; they fit well, they look great, and they’re everything you want in legwear and more.  You order and reorder until one day, you notice they’re on clearance because they’re discontinued.  You quickly buy as many pairs as you can afford, and you begin to worry about how you’ll survive without them.  Continue reading Show Your Hose Some Lovin’

Why You Should Add Thigh Highs To Your Wardrobe

Why You Should Add Thigh Highs To Your Wardrobe

Thigh highs, also known as ‘hold-ups’, are a unique hosiery that straddles the line between exotic and practical. While thigh highs typically have a reputation for being something sexy to wear in the bedroom, they can really add something special outside of the bedroom too including the workplace. Continue reading Why You Should Add Thigh Highs To Your Wardrobe

Pantyhose Are Bringing Sexy Back

Pantyhose Are Bringing Sexy Back

Women began wearing pantyhose as a way to remain modest while bringing up their hemlines. Of course, stocking were the first ones on the scene for the benefit of mid-knee hemline modesty, but thanks to the dancers on Broadway, such as Ann Miller, pantyhose were born. Stage and film producers would sew the dancer’s stockings to their briefs so that they would stay up while performing. Following this creation, various companies designed and sold their own versions of this undergarment and pantyhose became all the rage. Continue reading Pantyhose Are Bringing Sexy Back

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