Animal Print Patterns On Hosiery, 3 It Works

Animal Print Patterns On Hosiery, 3 It Works Look some of us just can’t hold down are fun flags. You are a good time and everyone knows it because you like to dress the part. That being said, there are others who like to add a little fun to their look here and there to throw off the scent of predictability. We think maybe in the past animal prints have been frowned upon as something an older woman trying not to lose her sassy demeanor would resort to in an attempt to save her sanity. Well, fear not, animal print can work for anyone, even the classiest of young ladies. Here are a few ways to make those animal print tights you bought from work for you. Continue reading Animal Print Patterns On Hosiery, 3 It Works

Want To Spice Things Up? These Sexy Hosiery Styles Can Do That

Want To Spice Things Up? These Sexy Hosiery Styles Can Do That The most fun part about hosiery is the versatility of the styles. You can use hosiery to accentuate a cute dress, dress up a professional outfit for work and even take a sexy bedroom game to the next level. Hosiery is often seen as a practical addition to your wardrobe but is full of naughty options that will drive people wild behind closed doors. We have a multitude of sexy styles to choose from that will make it impossible for your lover to keep their hands off of you. Continue reading Want To Spice Things Up? These Sexy Hosiery Styles Can Do That

The Highest End Hosiery Is Found Online

The Highest End Hosiery Is Found Online Gone are the days where you and your mom are getting your hosiery from the drugstore. For the fashion conscious woman today there is only one way to get the highest end hosiery that you possibly can. Like most everything the best product and selections are only available online. has the ability to compile, compare and review a huge selection of hosiery products because we are not limited by a physical retail environment. The positives of using an online hosiery store are infinite. Continue reading The Highest End Hosiery Is Found Online

Hot Hosiery Trends From New York Fashion Week 2017

Hot Hosiery Trends From New York Fashion Week 2017 They are never going out of style, so you might as well keep up with the trends when it comes to hosiery. This Fall/Winter season we have seen some style resurrection, some fresh pattern immersion and some accessories that are changing the game. Needless to say tights, hose and leggings were all over New York Fashion Week this year. Continue reading Hot Hosiery Trends From New York Fashion Week 2017

Color Matters: 2017 Tight Trends

Color Matters: 2017 Tight Trends This year seems to be about class when it comes to tight trends, taking a classically fun or playful style and incorporating it into an elegant professional wardrobe. As we see a reemergence from the fishnet and other net tights, as well as the continued popularity of the patterned tight. This means we are starting to see some variations in color trend for these normally casual-leaning tights to bring them over to the classy side. Continue reading Color Matters: 2017 Tight Trends

3 Spring 2017 Fashion To Prepare Your Hosiery For

3 Spring 2017 Fashion To Prepare Your Hosiery For Don’t give up on your winter styles just yet but it is always wise to consider that may come next in the world of fashion. We look to Paris Fashion Week to help guide us to the next stage of our hosiery needs, the spring 2017 trend. Here is a look at some of the spring fashion trends and how your hosiery will need to deal if you want to follow suit. Continue reading 3 Spring 2017 Fashion To Prepare Your Hosiery For

How To Make Thigh Highs Work For You

How To Make Thigh Highs Work For YouThigh highs are hot, we all know that, but they are not the easiest fashion piece to make work. First of all, they are not stockings. This can be confusing as stockings need a suspender belt and thigh highs do not. Therefore, a frequent issue with thigh highs is getting them to stay up. carries both of them so feel free to compare what works for you. The look ends up being quite different with the thigh highs because they don’t need the belt and they can be a bit more versatile. With a cute loose dress they work perfect. There are some tips for how to get the thigh highs to work for you. Continue reading How To Make Thigh Highs Work For You

What To Wear To The Office

What To Wear To The Office Office wear has come a long way over the years. Gone are the days when women were required to wear skirts and pantyhose every day. Now women can wear trousers and pants that are feminine versions of the once strictly-male wardrobe. But though pants can be liberating and just what you want on those days when you’re feeling a chill in the air, some days you just want to wear a skirt. Continue reading What To Wear To The Office

The Colors Of Your Valentine

The Colors Of Your Valentine Valentine’s Day just wouldn’t be the same without a little bit of sexy to light up your night. And what’s sexier than the colors of the season? Ever wonder how certain colors became associated with romance? For those of you who want to give your sweetie a sexy, sweet, or subtle surprise, pick a theme and make your partner’s eyes pop with pleasure. Continue reading The Colors Of Your Valentine

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