Category Archives: Leggings

The Dos And Dont’s Of Wearing Leggings

The Dos And Dont’s Of Wearing LeggingsYou hear it all the time: “Leggings are not pants.” While we agree that leggings are not pants, that doesn’t mean that still can’t be incredibly stylish when worn correctly. To make sure that you don’t fall victim to the legging fashion faux pas, here are the basic do’s and don’t’s of wearing leggings so you always you look chic: Continue reading The Dos And Dont’s Of Wearing Leggings

Animal Print Patterns On Hosiery, 3 It Works

Animal Print Patterns On Hosiery, 3 It Works Look some of us just can’t hold down are fun flags. You are a good time and everyone knows it because you like to dress the part. That being said, there are others who like to add a little fun to their look here and there to throw off the scent of predictability. We think maybe in the past animal prints have been frowned upon as something an older woman trying not to lose her sassy demeanor would resort to in an attempt to save her sanity. Well, fear not, animal print can work for anyone, even the classiest of young ladies. Here are a few ways to make those animal print tights you bought from work for you. Continue reading Animal Print Patterns On Hosiery, 3 It Works

What To Wear To The Office

What To Wear To The Office Office wear has come a long way over the years. Gone are the days when women were required to wear skirts and pantyhose every day. Now women can wear trousers and pants that are feminine versions of the once strictly-male wardrobe. But though pants can be liberating and just what you want on those days when you’re feeling a chill in the air, some days you just want to wear a skirt. Continue reading What To Wear To The Office

The Dos And Don’ts Of Wearing Leggings

The Dos And Don’ts Of Wearing Leggings

We could go on and on about how much we love leggings anytime of the year, but we especially adore them when the chilly weather comes. There are many who say that leggings have no place in the world outside of a gym, but we know better, don’t we? Though style is a personal thing, there are a few musts and a few must-nots when warming up your gams with leggings this winter.  Continue reading The Dos And Don’ts Of Wearing Leggings

Embracing Shapewear And Control Tops

Embracing Shapewear And Control Tops

How many people make New Year’s Resolutions? Of those people, how many make weight loss their goal? Losing weight isn’t easy and it can take a while to see results if you do it the right way. But while you’re waiting, there are ways that you can give yourself a smooth line before the pounds start rolling off.  Continue reading Embracing Shapewear And Control Tops