Whether you call them tights, stockings, leggings orpantyhose, hosiery can really dress up an outfit, adding length to a silhouette and style to a little black dress. Hosiery can be found in a variety of different looks and feels depending on the type of fabric that they are made from. Here are 10 things that you want to know about hosiery. The more you understand about hosiery, the better able you will be to truly enjoy everything that this fashion accessory has to offer.
1. Light and sheer hosiery is delicate and requires more care, and some hosiery comes with reinforced heels and toes so that it will last longer. When you buy your hosiery, keep the intended use in mind. If you need nylons that are going to last, then you are going to want to buy a thicker, reinforced type. If you are looking for more of a statement, sheer might be ideal but they will not last as long.
2. Sheer tights or hosiery are composed of the finest yarn, typically made completely out of nylon. They tend to be very, very flattering to your shape and your silhouette, but you are going to find that they are much more delicate in comparison to hosiery made from other, heavier fibers. The most fragile of all nylons are ultra sheer, which allow the largest amount of your natural skin tone to show. These require that your legs be shaved or waxed meticulously for best results.
3. Control tops and support hosiery both come in a wide range of different fabrics, typically in combination with Spandex and nylon. They offer a gentle and graduated level of compression to provide a better fit, a slimmer silhouette and strength in all of the highest stress areas. These are sturdier, reinforced types of hosiery that can meet a wide variety of different purposes depending on your individual need.
4. Opaque nylons are heavier or thicker than sheers, and so they are more durable. In the past, sheer was the way to go, but in modern fashion trends it is becoming increasingly popular for opaques to be worn, especially because they can create such drastic improvements on the look. If you are looking to bring more attention to your legs, then using opaque nylons is going to help. If you want to create an even more dramatic look, use tights, which are heavier in thickness than opaque tights.
5. There are other types of stockings and hosiery that can be beneficial, including
stay-ups and
stockings. Stay-ups are a type of individual stockings that are elastic on top with a special gripping lining. They are more expensive in comparison to regular pantyhose, but often worthwhile. Stockings on the other hand are separate, lacking the same grip as stay ups, requiring that you use a girdle, corset or garter belt with stocking clips to keep them up.
6. There are special hosiery options for pregnant women. Known as
maternity pantyhose, they are designed specially to provide the woman with extra room and extra comfort in the top, along with support in the legs to boost blood circulation since mothers-to-be can have circulation issues and legs that become tired easily.
7. There also exists a type of hosiery known as run-resistant pantyhose. These garments are most commonly made from thicker yarns and from studier knits in comparison to sheerer types of pantyhose. Even run-resistant hosiery can develop runs and holes, though they are perceived to be a bit sturdier in comparison to other types of tights and stockings.
8. If you want to elongate and slenderize your figure, then the best types of hosiery to wear are darker, solid colors or hosiery with
ribbed textures when you are wearing darker clothes. If you want to elongate your silhouette, then you should be aiming to match your hosiery with the color of your skirt.
9. Keep in mind that pastel pantyhose, whites and similar light colors do not pair well with darker colored clothing unless you are specifically trying to cut your figure down, such as if you are especially tall. Light colored hosiery can look good with the right clothing, but you really have to be careful with the pairs that you are making, because the wrong pair between your clothing and your nylons can create a look opposite of what you were going for.
10. If you like the look of sheers, consider glittery or
shimmering sheers for an even sexier look. These shimmering or glittery sheer nylons can lengthen or elongate your silhouette and will make your legs look outstanding no matter what you are wearing. Choose neutral tones for the best results, especially when you are trying to show off the way that your legs look in the process.