How to Properly Care for Fine Hosiery

How to Properly Care for Fine Hosiery

Tights, leggings, pantyhose, and stockings are some of the essential clothing pieces for cold weather. They are particularly helpful in creating a layered ensemble that’s not only warm and comfortable, but chic and stylish, too.

You surely love your hosiery and we know that you want to make them last. Since you’re likely to find yourself using them more often this season, we thought we’d share with you some essential care and maintenance tips that will help you enjoy your treasured hosiery longer.

1. Know when and how to wash.

Let’s make this clear: you don’t have to wash your hosiery after every wear. If they don’t get soiled, you can wear them up to three times before washing. This is particularly the case during winter, when you don’t really sweat a lot.

Think about your tights and leggings as though they are pants. Let’s be real here. How often do you wash your pants and jeans, really?

For hosiery, the less you wash, the better, because they will last longer. As long as they don’t smell and they aren’t stained, you can wear them one or two times more before washing.

Furthermore, you should know how to wash them properly. Here at, we recommend hand washing and refrain from wringing them. Simply hang them by the band to make sure that they retain their shape.

2. Know how to handle them.

Fine hosiery is delicate and you need to handle and wear them with as much care as possible. When handling and wearing your hosiery, make sure your toe and fingernails do not have rough edges. It’s also best to remove jewelry before wearing tights, stocking, or pantyhose. Make sure you remove them with care, too.

3. Know how to store them.

Hosiery are not like school socks that you can roll into a ball. Fold your hosiery in half, with one leg over the other. Then, fold in half once more before putting them neatly in a drawer. Storing hosiery this way will help preserve the fibers.

For high-quality hosiery that you’ll love every second that you’re wearing them, check out our wide selection at!