How To Wear Tights, For Men

How To Wear Tights, For Men

Hosiery is typically relegated to women’s fashion. Tights have been a staple fashion accessory in the last century, and is still loved by women until today. However, this practical and fashionable accessory should not just be for women. Men, too, can benefit from wearing tights.

What’s Preventing Men From Wearing Tights?

Back in the 16th to 18th century, men, especially of nobility, wore tights on a regular basis. Hosiery were a standard part of their wardrobe to show off their legs, which were seen as a sign of pride and success. 

In the present day, tights for men are rare but not completely obsolete. Depending on their sport, men may wear leggings or tights. Sports like wrestling, gymnastics, and cycling typically feature men in tights and often with thick padding to protect the crotch area. Of course, ballet dancers famously wear tights.

However, it is almost unthinkable for men to wear tights outside of these contexts, especially outdoors. This could be attributed to the shift in men’s clothing which now favors looser fits. Tights, with their form-fitting nature, thus, became uncomfortable. 

Nowadays, however, tights for men are slowly becoming common again. And why not? Tights are comfortable, breathable, flexible, and can be warm (with the right materials). 

How Men Can Wear Tights

The easiest way to wear tights is for sports. You’ll find a lot of tights or leggings not just for wrestling and cycling but also lighter ones for yoga, running, hiking, rock climbing, and many more. If you are to be more observant, you’ll probably find that more men wear leggings for sports because they allow a wider range of movement. 

If you’re not yet comfortable with wearing only a pair of tights while you play or workout, you can always layer tights with a pair of shorts, then work your way up with just a loose or long top. This way you can still get the benefits of tights—warmth, compression, etc.—while still covering up your genital area.

It doesn’t stop there! Men can also wear tights fashionably just like women do. For starters, men can take advantage of the warming abilities of tights by wearing them under their pants during the winter season. 

For those who are more daring, you can treat tights like skinny jeans—wear them with a long top or jacket. After all, sports-luxe style is a major trend this year. 

For the experimental ones, you can dip your toes into androgynous fashion and wear tights under a loose skirt. This can be a starting off point for those who want to wear skirts or dresses but are uncomfortable. You can bend gender norms while staying warm and comfortable with a pair of tights!

We have a great selection of tights for men from footless tights to fashion tights to athletic tights. Hoiseree offers the most versatile collection of tights for both men and women. Check them out now!